Thursday 18th of November 2010 - 71178 views
Rotterdam -
Erwin, the nice guy that I met in the street the other day introduced me to Eric. Eric is a very dedicated Tarwewijker who actively interacts when things happen that should not happen. People throwing their garbage in the street while you are assumed to deposit it in a container. He speaks up and socialises. With the elder lady that cleans the entrance hall of the appartement building because nobody else does. He appreciates his Turkish neighbour, a director of a Naschoolse opvang (daycare for schoolchildren) who brought him coffee and cake becuase he was concerned not having seen Eric for a couple of days outside.
It was only when I asked him if he knew people doing interesting things in the Tarwewijk, he told me about the internet radiostation that he and some friends run
Lino Hellings –
photo’s from the same project
photo’s from the same author