Wednesday 23rd of December 2009 - 90133 views
Sao Paulo -
There is less mobile business then in Lagos Nigeria.
 Mobile business men: the key chain holder. Mobile business of a greengrocer. In the traffic jam we see entertainers: a clown wiping the carwindows and a juggler. Mobile shops are quite fancy yellow icecream carts and and a bit less fancy styrofaomboxes on suitcase wheels. Fancy bottled water and gas bottles are transported on carts or specially prepared bicycles. The dustcars collecting cans,cardboard and petbottles to be recycled. The rugs with goods like hats, wigs and jewelry are run by a mix of chosen and unchosen dropouts. As advertisement in public space is forbidden we see that’s becoming mobile or ‘integrated’. Mobile like with the sandwichmen. Integrated like in the pushbars of a metro station. As life in the heart of Sao Paulo is speedy, you can enjoy breakfast in the street next to the busstop or the entrance of your officebuilding. The motoboys transporting goods through Sao Paulo traffic jams deliver a great contribution to the economics.
Lino Hellings –
Sao Paulo Lab
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