Participating Artists Press Agency
Tuesday 11th of February 2025 – page 4
On a Monday morning in November 2010, six photographers in five cities around the world take their cameras to urban neighbourhoods where newcomers arrive. The photos flow into the PAPA website like a wave moving around the world. First from Bangladesh, five hours later from Rotterdam and Lagos – cities in the same time zone. Detroit and São Paulo complete the group another seven hours later. From the first week the photos and captions were projected on the windows of the cultural centre at the entrance to the neighbourhood in Rotterdam. The same will happen in other cities. In this way the inhabitants of the various newcomers neighbourhoods not only get a fresh perspective on their own lives but they also get to see how newcomers in other cities live. Migrationpapa is a PAPA project for Kosmopolis Rotterdam with the generous support of Hivos
Saturday 6th of November 2010
Rotterdam -
This shop in religious art is run by a second generation Surinam couple. They do offer services for a small compensation in: astrological predictions, readings, hand palm reading, reiki and…
Lino Hellings –
Sao Paulo -
Apart from migration from other countries that happen here for years, the city of Sao Paulo has migratory people from the north and northeast of the country seeking work. Many…
Ines Correa –
Sao Paulo -
A neighborhood where there are brazilian magazines like “Caras", that means “Face" and Korean newspapers “working†together.…
Ines Correa –
Rotterdam -
Every few other days the shopowner drives 850 from Rotterdam to Poland to buy the meat, vegetables and other Polish groceries. The shop closes at ten in the evening. When…
Lino Hellings –
Rotterdam -
Many people in Tarwewijk who used to work in the harbour and factories are jobless today. The new job market is in hairdo (African, Asian, Western), international telephone booths, small…
Nies Medema –
Rotterdam -
The neighbourhood has a bad name despite the enormous efforts done by the city council to renovate the area. Because of the bad name the houses do not sell and…
Lino Hellings –
Sao Paulo -
This house and all the other around it, in Helvetia Street, are going to be demolished untill the end of the year. There is a new project for this place…
Ines Correa –
Rotterdam -
Due to floods in Pakistan, the okra in the grocery store of the Sheikh family is now imported from Kenia and Surinam.…
Nies Medema –
Dhaka -
Kali is considered the goddess of time and change. Although sometimes presented as dark and violent, her earliest incarnation as a figure of annihilation still has some influence. Shahidul Alam/Drik/Majority…
Shahidul Alam –
Rotterdam -
The Polish supermarket is a huge success. The Yugoslavian Zeko moved to Rotterdam nineteen years ago . Since four years he lives in the Tarwewijk. He started of as a greengrocer…
Lino Hellings –
Lagos -
A pendant of one of the gamblers who told to me that daily betting has brought some improvement to his financial situation. He even boasted he bought his pendant from…
Andrew Esiebo –
Rotterdam -
An attempt to get it all into one picture, the tensions between the state and the civilian and between the individual and the collective/community.…
Lino Hellings –
Lagos -
Woman from eastern in front of her store where she sells stockfish a.k.aOporoko at the Iddo terminus market. The market is popular for transtional trading. This has made…
Andrew Esiebo –
Rotterdam -
Whatare we to make of a circular illuminated sign with the text: ‘OK, safe point,report violence’? Is this a safe point because the sign is here or is this…
Nies Medema –
Rotterdam -
Erwin, the nice guy that I met in the street the other day introduced me to Eric. Eric is a very dedicated Tarwewijker who actively interacts when things happen that…
Lino Hellings –
Rotterdam -
At the hairdresser in Dordtselaan a poster is displayed. It says: ‘ I will act when I witness a violent situation in the street.'The poster was published by the…
Nies Medema –
Rotterdam -
The state and the civilian both do put great effort in exploring ways to improve the conditions for living. Sometimes succesfull, many times not so much. To many rules and…
Lino Hellings –
Rotterdam -
After having watched the (probably) illegal workers going off in the dark and after having said goodbeye to Arthur, I start to explore the quarter by car. Within short a…
Lino Hellings –
Detroit -
A Latino man talks on the phone while looking at the house of his sister in Mexicantown that is engulfed in flames. Fires are daily occurrences in the city due…
Marcin Szczepanski –
Sao Paulo -
Detail from the front door of the block of flats where the MST – Movimento dos Sem Teto/ Homeless Movement Downtown São Paulo is hosted. Homeless people struggling to obtain…
Ines Correa –
Detroit -
A pit-bull mix dog barks at a stranger in a Delray neighborhood in Detroit. Pit bulls are common in the city; they are feared for their jaw strength and admired…
Marcin Szczepanski –
Rotterdam -
Tensions are not necessarily bad. In fact they are good not bad I think. How to balance between the positive and the negative apsects of the rapid change in amounts…
Lino Hellings –
Lagos -
A man moving bag of rice as kegs of palm oil waits buyers across the country and beyond at at the Iddo terminus market. The market is popular for transtional…
Andrew Esiebo –
Rotterdam -
We do have a big problem in integrating newcomers in our society. It is hopefull that people from Surinam, a former Dutch colony seem to have found their way up…
Lino Hellings –