Participating Artists Press Agency
Wednesday 12th of February 2025 – page 1
PAPA was commissioned by the department of Urban Planning of the city of The Hague to visualize the qualities of the area around the Prinsclaus Flyover. The project resulted in the Memorandum of Basic Principles to be used by professionals who will develop this area. The concept was made by Lino Hellings. Marjolijn Boterenbrood, visual artist, drew maps of the area. Cilia Erens, soundartist composed two soundscapes. Rob van Maanen, cultural psychologist wrote a series of short texts. PAPA send photographers to fly overs abroad. Photographers Shahidul Alam (Dhaka Bangladesh) and Toye Gbade (Lagos Nigeria) pictured the activities under the flyover in their respective cities. Photography The Hague by Lino Hellings and Rob van Maanen. Photography Sao Paulo Lino Hellings
Wednesday 6th of October 2010
The Hague -
Prins Clausplein. The first washingmachine drum in the vegetables gardens I saw, made me think mmm quite untidy to leave this object lying around. Then I saw every garden had…
Lino Hellings –
The Hague -
Prins Clausplein. What can we do with this vacant land? PAPA lets its correspondents in other parts of the world have a look under their fly overs for alternative ‘businessconcepts’…
Lino Hellings –
The Hague -
Prins Clausplein. Originally from the Dutch Antilles in the Caribbian these inhabitants of Rotterdam have their vegetable garden in The Hague. Hospitable in a way which is rather un-Dutch. I…
Lino Hellings –
The Hague -
Prins Clausplein. Another great way to reconcile the devastating highway with the vulnerable acitivities in the landscape around it, is this soundwall. The two coloured hedge on the top hosts…
Rob van Maanen –
The Hague -
Prins Clausplein. Scattered around the area there are several small industrial areas. They house up to thirty businesses among them depots for city furniture and soil. This is a business…
Lino Hellings –
Dhaka -
The Mohakhali Flyover, acts as a bus station, an open air market. An intercity train heads towards a station near the international airport. Dhaka Bangladesh by Shahidul Alam.…
Shahidul Alam –
The Hague -
Prins Clausplein. These thirty posts are a summary of the complete work made into an interactive CD for the city developers of The Hague. It is a shame we cannot…
Lino Hellings –
The Hague -
Prins Clausplein. The horse plays a central role in this area. The men who used to run car demolation businusinesses still do a bit of scrap metal recycling but most…
Lino Hellings –
The Hague -
To prevent the supporters of both teams meeting (and ‘greeting’) the stadium itself resembles a prison. Moreover, deep in the rural area around the stadium, gates close when the match…
Rob van Maanen –
The Hague -
Prins Clausplein. The map shows the highway leads to distant places on the globe but not to the direct spaces around it. The little roads and pathes in the landscape…
Lino Hellings –
Dhaka -
The footpath next to the Mohakhali Flyover is a thriving business area. A young man swats away flies from his freshly fried ‘shingaras’ meat pies. …
Shahidul Alam –
Dhaka -
Mohakhali Flyover. There are very few places for couples to meet in the crowded city of Dhaka. This is especially so for people with a low income who cannot afford…
Shahidul Alam –
Dhaka -
Under the Mohakhali Flyover riot police are on standby in anticipation of trouble since garment workers have called a strike. They work 7 days a week for usd 24 per…
Shahidul Alam –
Lagos -
Before the government could take a stand, the spaces have been occupied according to the squatters’ principles by public bus operators, thugs and the homeless. It was kind of a…
Toye Gbade –
Lagos -
Obalende Flyover. This is another space recovered from the previous users and converted to an emergency police post. Kind of like a rapid response/intelligence squad spot. Lagos Nigeria Toye Gbade…
Toye Gbade –
Sao Paulo -
Open air gym organised by a world champion boxing and men from the (neighbor)hood. Directly under the traffic viaducts, it is a good initiative, although they did send some people…
Lino Hellings –
The Hague -
Prins Clausplein. The Mansions on this side of the water are all being reused as hardly any private person can afford living in a big place like this anymore. This…
Lino Hellings –
The Hague -
The Prince Claus flyover. The cameras on the left on the motorway are to enforce the speed limit. The surveillance camera watches hooligans once they enter the area from the…
Lino Hellings –
The Hague -
Prins Clausplein. This small house is situated at the back of an allotment garden, which people who live in nearby flats can rent for a reasonable price to grow their…
Lino Hellings –
The Hague -
Prins Clausplein is a traffic intersection with seven overpasses. The highway does not lead directly to destination below. In the Netherlands we tend to build fly overs on the outskirts…
Lino Hellings –
The Hague -
Prins Clausplein. Once Stroom, a foundation that promotes art in public space organized a barbecue on this spot for a selected group of artists, architects and citydevelopers. They were send…
Lino Hellings –
Sao Paulo -
A catadore is a freelance rubbish collector of recyclable waste. The sorting begins on the street. The side of the cart is hung with pre-sorted ropes and rubbish sacks.…
Lino Hellings –
The Hague -
Prins Clausplein. The Vliet waterway used to be the main way of transport in old times. It was digged out by the Romans. Then the rich people builded there mansions…
Rob van Maanen –