Participating Artists Press Agency
Wednesday 12th of February 2025 – page 1
People, fences, houses, roads are made up of a patchwork.We recognise the traditional patchwork style in the quilts that are aired on early spring days. We see the patchwork in the maintenance of roads, buildings and the electricity network. In and around buildings you see many more or less creative solutions to everyday problems. All the pipelines except the sewer system are above ground. They form a creative knitting and knotting network along the roads forming arches at the entrances of the courtyards of apartment buildings. The many fences are ‘ready made’ of a quality an artist can be jealous of: made from hospital beds, bottles and mud among others. And everywhere there is asbestos, in roofs, fences, the cladding of the hot water pipes for city heating. Not bad when intact, but more often than not broken into small pieces or being transported. The Soviet era is still visible everywhere. In the constructions but also in traditions such as Subbotnik. Meanwhile the new capitalist economy is evident in the casinos, beauty salons and nightclubs. The American army is not visible in the city but you know the US air-force base where the troops depart for Afghanistan is not far away. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the statue of Lenin was simply moved to the back of the government building. The majority of Bishkek’s Muslims pray at Lenin’s feet. Every person in Bishkek carries multiple identities so they say.
Thursday 14th of February 2013
Bishkek -
There are a lot of night clubs and casinos built in the city recently. Here is a picture of one of them.…
Tatyana Zelenskaja –
Bishkek Lab
Bishkek -
A roof was always a place which attracts by its mystery, by something special, being a place where one can dream. And this roof draws attention particularly as it has…
Tatyana Mihnevich –
Bishkek Lab
Bishkek -
Creativity is in action. Sometimes children’ socks find second application by decorating the window and cheering up the passerby.…
Tatyana Mihnevich –
Bishkek Lab
Bishkek -
It has been decided not to throw away those chairs. Now it is used during break.…
Tatyana Zelenskaja –
Bishkek Lab
Bishkek -
On the picture you can see a Kyrgyz girl, Meka. She looks like a foreigner because her pose is free. That is not common for Asian women. Her body language…
Tatyana Zelenskaja –
Bishkek Lab
Bishkek -
The outside wall is made from old and used bottles. That’s a new way to re-use the old plastic and broken glass bottles. The “bricks†are available everywhere…
Samat Mambetshaev –
Bishkek Lab
Bishkek -
Safety is the main thing that people care about. If you walk around you'll see a lot of different types of protection of the private property, for example this blackberry…
Samat Mambetshaev –
Bishkek Lab
Bishkek -
Spring. Through the snow appears young grass and this old carpet.…
Tatyana Zelenskaja –
Bishkek Lab
Bishkek -
On this picture you can see a Kyrgyz young woman. In her pose, the way she carries her baby and in her shy smile you can see Asian wisdom.…
Tatyana Zelenskaja –
Bishkek Lab
Bishkek -
People use a plastic bottle to stop water getting into the lock. It’s a cheap and convenient solution.…
Anastasia Slastnikova –
Bishkek Lab
Bishkek -
The vine stems lean on the fence, supporting each other: the vine stems help to keep the fence stable, and the edges of the fence help the vine stems…
Samat Mambetshaev –
Bishkek Lab
Bishkek -
Old house - new fashion. The same decoration on our roads everywhere.…
Anastasia Slastnikova –
Bishkek Lab
Bishkek -
Wherever you look there are pipelines in Bishkek. The gas pipes are all above the ground and form arches where ever you enter the innercourt of housing blocks. This here…
Lino Hellings –
Bishkek Lab
Bishkek -
Investigation requested Dear girls who of you lost a panty nearby a beauty salon? Description: It’s long and black. If you recognize it on this photo, call……
Raisat Musaeva –
Bishkek Lab
Bishkek -
The frames from the hospital beds used as a fence. The loveliness doesn’t have to be expensive. This is an example of the cheapest way of “recyclingâ€, the…
Samat Mambetshaev –
Bishkek Lab