Participating Artists Press Agency
Wednesday 12th of February 2025 – page 1
Dhaka -
Demographically Bangladesh is a predominantly young country, one third of the total population consists of young people. So youth aspirations and demands are important.
Abdus Sabur –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
The young boy of 16 years old is an expert on machine with no training. He possessed this skill learning by doing and living an independent life out of it…
Sumana Tanchangya –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
TThe shop used to be in nearby Dhanmondi, a more upmarket location. They didn’t need to pay rent for the roadside stall, but had to bribe the police 100 Taka…
Shahidul Alam –
Dhaka -
I can see an abstract painting, the various textures and colors on the white wall, alone and in relation is an inspiration for me and create a lovely composition…
Tapash Paul –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
The slum near Kamrangirchar are exposed to water logging in all the year around. And the slum dwellers are living with it.…
Sumana Tanchangya –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Walking along the ‘Beribandh’ or the city embankment is an experience to see many things such as tanneries, slums, motor-workshops, waste-recycling shops, expansion of the city etc. What welcome you…
Adnan Wahid –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Do I remember when I looked at the sky for the last time? No, I don’t think so, because I don’t look at the sky anymore. I can’t look…
Haque Habibul –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
One can call Dhaka the
city of horningâ. Unnecessary horning has become part of the culture of the
vehicle drivers in this city. You can observe it especially when you…
Dhana Ranjan Tripura. –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Due to urbanization process, every day and every where in urban areas new building are constructing. This building construction materials are generally kept in footpath also vehicles parking at footpath…
Abdus Sabur –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Rapid urbanization is taking place especially in cities of developing countries like Bangladesh, Dhaka City is one of them. Solid waste generation increases proportionatelywith the growth of urban population…
Abdus Sabur –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
The income of a household can not make anymore chess with the increasing prices of the necessary goods and vegetables. Lack of proper monitoring of the Government authority to control…
Dhana Ranjan Tripura. –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Many of the inhabitants of Sadek City Model Town live in narrowly packed lines of rooms made of bamboo. They can get water from nearby tubewells and have electricity for…
Shahidul Alam –
Dhaka -
The bed in this family home almost fills up the entire space of the 8 foot by 8 foot room. Things are stuck up on the walls to save space…
Shahidul Alam –
Dhaka -
Mobile phones are very much popular in Bangladesh and its use is increasing steadily. Due to lower price and easy availability of mobile handsets, poor people in Bangladesh can using…
Abdus Sabur –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Considering excessive heat because of concrete structures in the capital city, people started planting trees and taking care of them. We don’t have urban forestry in Bangladesh in practice, largely…
Adnan Wahid –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Dhaka is the city of the co-existence of beauty and odds. …
Sumana Tanchangya –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
You do not see many scooters in the streets of Dhaka. Not a bad item to start importing here to beat the traffic jam. It also disguises you from the…
Lino Hellings –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Within a fraction of a second they resume their professional doleful posturing. …
Lino Hellings –
Dhaka -
A person has managed to build a brick house. A huge step forward compared to the houses on poles on the back made of bamboo and thatched panels. The poorest…
Lino Hellings –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Businesses are made for profit maximization . But to sale saplings is for profit and made Dhaka more greenery and healthy. Some sapling sales shops grown up in the different parts…
Arifur Rahman –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
A few things I feel changed since I visited Dhaka in 2008. One of them is the amount of women covering their faces has increased. Here you see the three…
Lino Hellings –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
People keep encroaching the river to make new slum for the people who usually migrate from the other part of the country to Dhaka for better income. Since the…
Haque Habibul –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Although the distinction is sometimes negligible, there are also traders who have something that actually resembles merchandise: children with nets of lemons, towels or bags of popcorn. When I…
Lino Hellings –